Bogged Down Trying to Find Blog Entries About You or Your Company?

Global Internet Marketing Firm Develops BlogTraq™ Software

On Monday, December 23, 2006 at 2:36 p.m., a Blogger wrote, “[Company X] is a rip-off. Every time you go into the store, you risk losing more money. Do not trust them.”

Every day tens of thousands of web logs are formed where anyone online can write or read about just as many topics and companies. It is estimated that 57 million American adults (or 39% of the American population) are blog readers.* As blog usage continues to grows, consumer-generated content referencing companies and brands grows as well, creating the need to track this buzz and maintain optimal customer relations.

Endai Worldwide, a full-service, interactive marketing services company, is now introducing BlogTraq™ Brand Reputation Management Technology and Services. BlogTraq scours the web, scanning new blog posts and referencing them by company name, product name or any combination of terms. This robust technology also provides aggregate reporting on the nature and tonality of the content, providing a real-time “pulse” of a brand’s reputation.

BlogTraq archives relevant “blogsphere” content to a database, performing keyword indexing, as well as human language analysis, to determine if posts are endorsing the brand, are neutral, or include negative feedbacks or complaints. “Now companies can easily identify and quantify public Internet perception of their brand,” states Michael Ferranti, CEO and principal of Endai Worldwide. “We help them locate and respond to high-risk brand reputation threats so they can proactively manage their image.”

Endai Worldwide has been building Internet businesses from its headquarters in the historic South Street Seaport since 1999. Since its inception, the company has become a global leader in Internet marketing, lead generation, and online image management with Internet marketing agency services and proprietary software the company has developed.

*Pew Internet & American Life Project