Media Relations & Training

Earned Media

As with most industries, several dramatic changes have occurred in the PR business including the introduction of cable television and the dominance of the Internet (thousands of new content and news channels, social media, AI, streaming media, etc.). To make matters even more challenging for PR practitioners, while the number of media outlets has mushroomed, journalists and television producers have become harder to communicate with. They’re inundated with texts and emails and constantly on the move – being laid off, reshuffled, finding more appealing work conditions, or burning out.

As a result, PR agencies, even those that have strong earned media capabilities and contacts, have diversified their services. They no longer focus solely on media relations, which was long synonymous with public relations.

When PR teams pivoted to exclusively monetize social content creation and paid blogger/influencer marketing, Rosica Communications stood its ground. We remain steadfast in our efforts to successfully garner earned (not paid) media coverage for our clients because we know the power of these placements as it relates to content marketing, online reputation management, social media content, integrated marketing communications, and SEO.

Media Relations

We have several senior-level media relations professionals, many of whom have worked for the firm for more than 20 years. Our team regularly secures feature stories and high-profile placements in national broadcast, print, digital, and streaming media. This ranges from education, human and veterinary healthcare trade outlets and podcasts to top tier national television and radio programs. We not only focus on national, but regularly deliver regional and local market (print, broadcast, and digital) coverage for our client partners. We encourage organizations considering our services to speak with our clients and hear from them how we deliver in this important area that impacts perception, reputation, thought leadership, trust/ credibility, and link building.

Some of our recent placements include:

Christian Science Monitor
Chronicle of Philanthropy
France 24
Good Morning America
Hechinger Report
i-Heart Radio
Inside Philantrophy
K12 Dive
The New York Times
Physical Therapy Products
The Journal
The 74
Think Advisor
Todays Veterinary Business
US News World Report
Veterinary Practice News

Strategy, tenacity, and consistency are the cornerstones of our approach and Rosica generates media coverage to help our partners achieve their goals and shape perception. Positive publicity can influence advocacy, fundraising, sales, issues management, policy, partnerships, and other business objectives such as employee and investor relations.

To learn more about our award-winning
earned media services, click here.

Media Training & Public Speaking Trainings

We have a professional trainer on staff at Rosica and offer formal spokesperson and KOL media and public speaking group training and one-on-one coaching sessions. We also have a KOL Recruitment program to identify, recruit, and prepare KOLs to speak on behalf of our clients. Our Media & Speaker trainings build confidence and thought leadership. They include four vital components:

We conduct general personality assessments of our spokespersons to ensure we play to their strengths and account for their shortcomings (e.g., we help analytical and very direct spokespeople be more expressive and help creative people be a bit more analytical to appeal to diverse audiences).

We ensure our clients’ current key messages and calls-to-actions are emphasized to ensure relevancy and optimal interview/public speaking outcomes.

Our lead media trainer prepares mock interviews in advance and conducts highly realistic and challenging interviews/questions for our client spokespeople.

We give KOLs strategies for dealing with challenging questions, bridging to key messages, flagging key points, and driving home the most important message and call to action.

"The creative and successful media event you executed to promote fibromyalgia awareness not only reached legislators but delivered our message to the general public through the mass media you secured."

Karen Boykin-Towns,
Senior Director / Team Leader, Government Relations, Pfizer Inc.

"Chris Rosica led two public speaking and media training sessions with 17 of Covanta’s managers from plants throughout the New York/New Jersey region. One manager from our Niagara facility conducted an interview two weeks after the training and aced it. We credit this to Rosica."

Hank Asher,
Business Manager, Covanta Essex Company

"I received the email campaign that captures all of the wonderful coverage the Rosica team generated for Johnson & Johnson’s FIRST Robotics Competition. This was sent to all our partners and generated a significant response. WOW! Awesome!"

Donald H. Bowers,
Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic FIRST, Johnson & Johnson

“A long-time provider of digital marketing services, Rosica knows the digital space and how to leverage PR coverage to accelerate ROI. It’s rare that a PR firm possesses the online marketing chops this agency does – and it’s no wonder; they started a digital agency more than 15 years ago! Rosica brings a unique perspective and is truly focused on adding value and maximizing deliverables.”

Ronald Chaluisán Batlle,
MEd, MA, Executive Director, Newark Trust for Education

“Through Rosica’s counsel and SalesSmart PR strategy, we leveraged a TV interview the agency secured for us on Bloomberg Television and landed a new multi-year, multi-million-dollar relationship that spanned 15 years. This was perhaps the best ROI I’ve gotten from PR, or any other agency partner we’ve hired. A smart PR and marketing team is an understatement!”

Mike Ferranti,
CEO, Endai

“Rosica PR delivered tremendous media results and helped boost sales by more than one million dollars in the first year of our campaign”

Maureen Wales,
VP Marketing Pearson Learning

“When disaster hit in the middle of the night, the Rosica team responded. Within 24 hours, they secured media attention that raised $30,000. They had a direct impact on our ability to serve the community, and that’s a true partnership.”

Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Fernandez,
Former Divisional Commander, The Salvation Army Greater New York Division

"Rosica has helped bring awareness to adult illiteracy like no other organization in the nation. They are the authority on education, cause marketing and community relations.”

Pat Johnston,
National Chair, Literacy Volunteers of America

Our Services