Integrated Marketing Communications & Corporate Communications

Virtually all stakeholders, whether they be donors, customers, partners, policymakers, or volunteers, are inundated with information – messages from a plethora of sources, vying for their attention. This makes breaking through the clutter a challenge and accentuates the importance of cross-channel communications. In education, healthcare, nonprofit, and animal health public relations and communications today it’s not enough to secure earned media coverage and hope your stakeholders see, hear, or read your news. You have to take control and Rosica works strategically with its client-partners to repurpose and leverage PR content. We call it StrategySmart PRTM.

PR assets, such as earned media placements, news releases, bylined articles, op-eds, videos, and white papers can be a content engine that supports SEO/online reputation management, content marketing/email marketing to stakeholders, thought leadership, influencer marketing, social media engagement, and public affairs/government relations. Here are just some examples of PR’s contribution to integrated marketing communications and how public relations content can be leveraged:

Marketing Communications
  • SEO and Online Reputation Management – PR content is weighty in Google’s algorithm, while the inbound links Rosica secures from online news sites improves our clients’ website domain authority. In addition, building links to positive stories we garner, it helps share perception online to protect your good name and reputation.
  • Content Marketing – Earned media articles and press releases should be placed prominently on an organization’s website to demonstrate thought leadership and credibility but shared through email marketing campaigns to stakeholders and at industry conferences to influence perception.
  • Thought Leadership – There’s no doubt, media coverage impacts an organization’s or individual’s thought leadership position. Therefore, we strategically repurpose these powerful, third-party endorsements to shape awareness and reputation, boosting our clients’ authority as industry voices and opinion leaders.
  • Influencer Marketing – Sharing earned media coverage with influential audiences such as current and prospective partners, board members, reporters, current and prospective customers, key opinion leaders (KOLs), authors, investors, donors, conference speakers, and other subject matter experts (SMEs), can go far to build credibility and brand awareness.
  • Social Media – Leveraging PR content, whether it be media placements or news releases on social media is often an undervalued tactic yet time and again, we’ve seen it pay dividends for our clients.
  • Public Affairs and Government Relations – It’s no secret that the media impacts and influences policymakers. Illustrated in several case studies on our site, such as the National Association for Home Care & Hospice and Pfizer, Rosica’s national and regional media placements have impacted policy and supported issues paramount to our clients. By partnering with your lobbying and government relations firm and arming them with highly persuasive stories we secure in print, broadcast, and streaming media outlets, they can repurpose this coverage and share it with legislators to impact legislative outcomes and funding support.

Corporate Communications

Rosica helps organizations think and act strategically and communicate effectively to maintain their reputations, manage perception, and achieve their business and marcom aims. We are experienced in all aspects of corporate communications and can seamlessly support your in-house team’s capabilities and bandwidth. Our expertise includes:

  • Change Management Communications
  • Corporate Social Responsibility & Strategic Philanthropy
  • Crisis Management
  • Internal & External Stakeholder Communications
  • Internal Meeting Support (Sales, KOL, Awards/Recognition, etc.)
  • Message Development
  • Intranet & Social Media Policy and Strategy
  • Positioning
  • Product Launch Support & Ongoing Promotion
  • Speech Writing (CEO, Town Hall Meetings, Stakeholder Communications)
  • Strategic Counsel
  • Tradeshow Strategies, PR & Support
  • Issues Management & Crisis Comms.

Click here and schedule a call to discuss your integrated marketing communications goals.

"The creative and successful media event you executed to promote fibromyalgia awareness not only reached legislators but delivered our message to the general public through the mass media you secured."

Karen Boykin-Towns,
Senior Director / Team Leader, Government Relations, Pfizer Inc.

"Chris Rosica led two public speaking and media training sessions with 17 of Covanta’s managers from plants throughout the New York/New Jersey region. One manager from our Niagara facility conducted an interview two weeks after the training and aced it. We credit this to Rosica."

Hank Asher,
Business Manager, Covanta Essex Company

"I received the email campaign that captures all of the wonderful coverage the Rosica team generated for Johnson & Johnson’s FIRST Robotics Competition. This was sent to all our partners and generated a significant response. WOW! Awesome!"

Donald H. Bowers,
Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic FIRST, Johnson & Johnson

“A long-time provider of digital marketing services, Rosica knows the digital space and how to leverage PR coverage to accelerate ROI. It’s rare that a PR firm possesses the online marketing chops this agency does – and it’s no wonder; they started a digital agency more than 15 years ago! Rosica brings a unique perspective and is truly focused on adding value and maximizing deliverables.”

Ronald Chaluisán Batlle,
MEd, MA, Executive Director, Newark Trust for Education

“Through Rosica’s counsel and SalesSmart PR strategy, we leveraged a TV interview the agency secured for us on Bloomberg Television and landed a new multi-year, multi-million-dollar relationship that spanned 15 years. This was perhaps the best ROI I’ve gotten from PR, or any other agency partner we’ve hired. A smart PR and marketing team is an understatement!”

Mike Ferranti,
CEO, Endai

“Rosica PR delivered tremendous media results and helped boost sales by more than one million dollars in the first year of our campaign”

Maureen Wales,
VP Marketing Pearson Learning

“When disaster hit in the middle of the night, the Rosica team responded. Within 24 hours, they secured media attention that raised $30,000. They had a direct impact on our ability to serve the community, and that’s a true partnership.”

Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Fernandez,
Former Divisional Commander, The Salvation Army Greater New York Division

"Rosica has helped bring awareness to adult illiteracy like no other organization in the nation. They are the authority on education, cause marketing and community relations.”

Pat Johnston,
National Chair, Literacy Volunteers of America

Our Services