Virtually all stakeholders, whether they be donors, customers, partners, policymakers, or volunteers, are inundated with information – messages from a plethora of sources, vying for their attention. This makes breaking through the clutter a challenge and accentuates the importance of cross-channel communications. In education, healthcare, nonprofit, and animal health public relations and communications today it’s not enough to secure earned media coverage and hope your stakeholders see, hear, or read your news. You have to take control and Rosica works strategically with its client-partners to repurpose and leverage PR content. We call it StrategySmart PRTM.
PR assets, such as earned media placements, news releases, bylined articles, op-eds, videos, and white papers can be a content engine that supports SEO/online reputation management, content marketing/email marketing to stakeholders, thought leadership, influencer marketing, social media engagement, and public affairs/government relations. Here are just some examples of PR’s contribution to integrated marketing communications and how public relations content can be leveraged: