Wally Amos: For Over 30 Years Dedicated to Good Eats and Teaching American to Read

You couldn’t make up his life story if you had a conference room full of Pulitzer-prize winning authors. Wally “Famous” Amos is proof indeed that truth is better or, at the very least, much more interesting than fiction. From a career in the entertainment business, to the creator of the country’s first “gourmet” chocolate chip cookie, Amos’ prescription for a successful life is one part hard work, one part inspiration, one part creativity and two parts giving back.

Amos, who lost the Famous Amos cookie brand in 1985, started Uncle Wally’s Muffin Company in 1992. His dedication to literacy and reading began as a national spokesman for Literacy Volunteers of America, from 1979 to 2002 which helped functionally illiterate adults to read. A high school drop-out who earned his GED while in the Armed Forces, Amos served on the boards of the National Center for Family Literacy, Read to Me International and Communities in Schools. In 2005, he and his wife, Christine, founded the Read It Loud! Foundation, a publicly supported 501 (c) (3) organization to promote parents reading aloud to their children every day.

Wally is the author of a number of books celebrating life and learning including, The Famous Amos Story: The Face That Launched a Thousand Chips; The Power in You, Ten Secret Ingredients to Inner Strength; Man with No Name: Turning Lemons into Lemonade; and The Cookie Never Crumbles: Inspirational Recipes for Every Day Living.

Wearing one of his signature hats, colorful shoes and shirts and frequently playing kazoo, Amos addresses everyone from pre-schoolers to business executives with his recipe for a successful life: Work hard, have fun and don’t forget to read along the way! Visit www.wallyamos.com for more information.

Public Relations Contact: Rosica Strategic Public Relations