Defending Your Life: New DVD Self-Defense Program Helps Women Protect Themselves

The statistics about women and violence say it all: If you’re a 21-year old woman living in the United States today, you have a one-in-four chance of experiencing a violent crime in your lifetime.* Every day, four women die in this country as a result of domestic violence.** And, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, more than 2.5 million women in this country experience violence each year.

Statistics also show, however, that a woman who fights back during life-threatening situations substantially increases her chances of avoiding rape, injury or death. For this reason, a woman armed with the knowledge of how to fend-off attackers, react in a potentially life-threatening situation and protect herself has never been more important.

Close Combat Training, a new DVD program, is now available to help women learn the basic and proven techniques of self-defense that can be easily mastered by women in the comfort of their own homes in just two to three days. Focusing on key “gross motor” movements that are best employed during stress (as during a violent attack), Close Combat Training is the only scientifically and statistically proven form of self-defense based on the human body’s natural response to fear. When a person is under attack and their heart rate reaches 175 beats per minute, they can only perform “gross motor” actions and not such “fine motor” skills as martial arts movements or aiming and firing a weapon. Close Combat Training includes grabbing or clawing an assailant, making a fundamental chopping movement with an arm, or using a basic kick — techniques that can empower women regardless of age, body type, or athletic ability.

Close combat training was originally created to prepare U.K. and U.S. commandos in Europe during World War II to quickly prepare soldiers for street combat and to teach women and seniors in London to fend for themselves while men were away fighting the war. The program was adopted and refined by “Captain” Chris Pizzo, a renowned self-defense expert who was the victim of a road rage attack in the late 1990s. Realizing that he could only depend upon gross motor movements during this episode and not his martial arts skills, he founded Close Combat Training in 2003 in order to help others. Today, the Close Combat Company is the world leader in self-defense training courses.

Public Relations Contact: Rosica Strategic Public Relations