BOTTOMS UP FOR SIX PACK ABS: Ab Coaster® Defies Traditional Top-Down Ab Workouts, Maximizing Results

Stop sucking in that belly! Discard the shapewear! Tristar Products is introducing a new model of its most popular fitness machine for home use. The Ab Coaster® — the torso sculptor of choice for professional athletes like the Pittsburgh Steelers — helps you safely develop lean, defined abs by working the entire abdominal section with one swooping bottom-up movement.

Traditional ab workouts like sit-ups and crunches use a “top-down” motion that can put the upper body at risk of injury if not executed properly. Traditional “Bottom up” exercises such as Hanging Leg Raises and Leg Lifts are highly effective for developing great abs yet very difficult to perform.

The Ab Coaster’s patented Natural Arc Motion makes it easy to work your abs from the bottom up. Mimicking the same motion as the Hanging Leg Raise, the Ab Coaster enables the average person to work the same muscles with ease. The Ab Coaster’s weight-bearing design eliminates the need to hang from a bar. Instead, you are situated in a comfortable kneeling position, off the floor, as the curved track guides you through a perfect lower abdominal lift. A simple adjustment of the kneepad allows for the isolation of specific muscles (such as the oblique muscles), and weights can be added for advanced resistance.

The Ab Coaster targets the entire abdominal wall and eliminates potential stress to the head, neck, back or shoulders. You can sculpt your whole torso while also strengthening core-affected areas such as the lower back. The unique design allows anyone—from professional athletes to at-home beginners—to achieve great abs safely, effectively and comfortably.

The Ab Coaster is available at for $399.80.

Public Relations Contact: Rosica Strategic Public Relations