New Published Report Shines Light On Secret Government Documents Americans Deserve To See

AllGov, an online news source that offers comprehensive information on all United States government branches, has released a report entitled “11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See.” The report, authored by David Wallechinsky, AllGov founder and editor-in-chief, provides information and commentary on classified U.S. government documents from 1963 to the present that have been withheld from the public.

One of the reasons Wallechinsky created AllGov was to reveal the degree to which U.S. government officials have long abused their ability to mark documents as “classified.” Many documents produced by the government are legitimately classified for reasons of national security. Others, such as those in the AllGov report, are classified to cover up activities or events that are illegal or embarrassing to government officials of both parties.

“The 11 examples in my report illustrate how Washington has violated the law and trust of the American people,” said Wallechinsky. “This has gone on for decades, and today a full 95 percent of what takes place in Washington goes unreported by the media.”

Select documents highlighted in the report are:

  • Obama Memo Allowing the Assassination of U.S. Citizens
  • Memos from President George W. Bush to the CIA Authorizing Waterboarding and other Torture Techniques
  • Major General Douglas Stone’s 700-Page Report on Prisoners Held in Afghanistan
  • 1,171 CIA Documents Related to the Assassination of President Kennedy
  • FBI Guidelines for Using GPS Devices to Track Suspects

To learn more about AllGov and to read the complete list of secret documents click here.

About AllGov
AllGov is a website that provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on more than 340 branches of the United States government. Created by David Wallechinsky, AllGov offers background and data pertaining to all government agencies and biographies of agency heads and diplomats to and from the United States. Its focus, however, is on what the government “really does.”

About David Wallechinsky
David Wallechinsky, founder and editor-in-chief of AllGov, is a best-selling author and well-respected writer. He is known for his work on The People’s Almanac, The Book of Lists, The Complete Book of the Summer Olympics and The Complete Book of the Winter Olympics. Wallechinsky has built his career on making difficult material accessible to a general audience in an understandable format. He is responsible for Parade magazine’s cover story that put a halt to funding for Alaska’s notorious “Bridge to Nowhere.”