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Social Media Marketing Trends for 2020

A new year means new technology, and with new technology comes the need to evolve. This is necessary in order to capitalize on the vast opportunities that come with new social tech tools and practices. We live in a world where trending apps and social channels change regularly. Every year, it seems a new social media platform comes along that dramatically changes the communication landscape. In 2019, the App in the spotlight was TikTok. How do you stay ahead of the curve? How do you take advantage of the latest social tools? And, what does this mean for your business?

Here are 5 tips for upgrading your social media marketing this year:

1. Use AI to your advantage

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a great way to help your customers get the information they need in an easy and convenient way. Many businesses in the healthcare, food, and nonprofit arenas have introduced AI to their marketing efforts through chatbots and online scheduling options. Integrating this technology into your organization, whether through a website, social media campaign, or online marketing effort, is beneficial to both your company and your customers and stakeholders.

2. Establish relationships with influencers

Connecting with influencers and having them talk you up is worth the time, cost and energy. This process, which is an integral part of public relations today, benefits your organization due to the importance of the influencer’s audience/reach and how they are perceived and respected. A vlogger with 300,000 followers on their YouTube channel or an Instagram account with 500,000 followers, can go far to promote your company and/or products.

3. Establish your brand’s identity

Establishing an image or guidelines for your brand helps characterize your organization. It’s not just about an interesting logo, compelling color scheme, contemporary website. It’s about standing for something and creating powerful messaging — then conducting effective marketing so you are known a key differentiator. It’s about having a unique social voice, which sets you apart, and enables you to be known for something.

4. Use video

According to a recent HootSuite report, frequent TikTok consumers watched on average 46 minutes a day of content. This is noteworthy, because TikTok videos are only 15 seconds long. While the targeted demographic for this platform is typically Generation Z consumers, the app does offer several features other platforms are now integrating. Staying aware of these trends helps keep your business ahead of the competition.

If TikTok isn’t a platform your company would use, Instagram (IG) stories or IGTV are a great alternative. Instead of redirecting users to an external link, like a YouTube video, IGTV allows users the ability to watch longer videos from the app.

5. Post quality content

While it’s important to post frequently on social media to remain at the forefront of your customers’ minds (and protect your reputation online), it’s only worth doing if it’s interesting, quality content. Planning ahead and setting a schedule for content and getting several people in your organization involved in the content development process are great ways to ensure the future success of social media and content marketing initiatives.

Want to learn more about taking your social media efforts to the next level in 2020? Contact pr@rosica.com to connect with our team.