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Remembering Betty White One Month After Her Passing

One month ago today an amazing human being, talent, and animal rights supporter passed. A household name, Betty White is greatly missed.

In the animal health world, she left her mark. She worked tirelessly to help nonprofits advance animal health outcomes and was a remarkable advocate.  

I had the honor of working with Ms. White on behalf of HomeAgain for Merck Animal Health. HomeAgain is a pet microchip designed to help return home lost and stolen pets. Rosica originally launched the brand for Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health and managed its PR after the acquisition by Merck Animal Health. I had the distinct privilege of working with my team on this business for nearly a decade.  

How We Partnered Betty White with HomeAgain 

Rosica Communications reached out to her agent and created a relationship with her on behalf of Merck in a resourceful, strategic, and authentic fashion. We did not pay White to support the brand; rather, we donated to an animal health nonprofit she was passionate about.  

It was an amazing experience. I flew out to Los Angeles with my client, the marketing director at MAH, to shoot a video featuring Ms. White for HomeAgain. She was the consummate professional, so kind and unassuming. The cat and dog used in the PSA were amazing and ultra professional as well! 

A few weeks later, White agreed to appear on “The View” on behalf of HomeAgain to discuss the importance of microchipping cats and dogs.

A remarkable experience that the team at Rosica made possible. We all thank you, Betty. 

Watch Ms. White’s HomeAgain PSA here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imUQZqVYKvk