PDI® Touchpoints™ Campaign Spreads Awareness of Infection Prevention Measures In Healthcare Setting

A new Touchpoints campaign from Professional Disposables International, Inc. (PDI) will be the focus of the company’s booth at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology 2010 Annual Conference, which takes place from July 11-15 in New Orleans. Touchpoints highlights the many ways germs can be transmitted in healthcare settings and is designed to educate caregivers and patients about preventing the spread of infections.

Without proper infection prevention protocols, everyday “touchpoints” – medical equipment, clothing, computers, door handles and hands – can contribute to the spread of infectious disease among patients, visitors, caregivers and staff. The Touchpoints concept, represented graphically in the logo by a stylized letter “o”, encompasses every stage, from admissions to discharge, at which infections may be contracted and transmitted in a healthcare setting.

“Our goal is to eliminate healthcare associated infections (HAIs),” said Aime Lenz, Senior Director of Marketing for PDI. “Through this campaign, we hope to raise awareness about the lives healthcare workers touch on a daily basis and underscore the routine practices that should be followed to reduce infection risks. Our comprehensive product line touches on all aspects of acute care including skin antisepsis, surface care, hand hygiene and patient care, and we view our clinical support team as an extension of a facility’s infection prevention staff.”

To learn more about the PDI® Touchpoints™ and additional infection prevention resources, please visit www.pdipdi.com. For 30 years PDI has pioneered the development, testing, manufacturing and marketing of pre-moistened wipes as the optimum delivery system for skin antisepsis, hand hygiene, patient and surface care. With trusted brands including, Sani-Cloth®, Sani-Hands® ALC, Sani-Hands® for Kids, Hygea® and Chlorascrub™, PDI serves the healthcare market through hospitals, physician and dental offices, emergency medical services, long-term care, schools and a variety of other healthcare facilities. Professional Disposables International, Inc. is headquartered in Orangeburg, New York.