Exergen TemporalScanner Featured in Baltimore’s Child

Old-time thermometers – you know, the ones your mom would shake and then put under your tongue or, ahem, in other places – are slowly becoming a thing of the past, as more and more parents opt for ear or forehead/underarm thermometers.  My forehead thermometers, however, never seemed to give an accurate reading, so when I recieved the Exergen TemporalScanner for review, I was more than willing to give it a try.  I instantly recognized it as the same thermometer used at my pediatrician’s office.  In fact, it turns out, the Exergen TemporalScanner is used in two-thirds of hospitals and half of all pediatricians’ offices in the United States.

If it’s possible to “love” a thermometer, then I love the Exergen TemporalScanner for how easy it is to use.  A gentle swipe across the forehead gives you an accurate temperature readout.  It’s great for babies, toddlers, older kids, and adults.

–Charlotte Bohn, Baltimore’s Child Staff

About Exergen Corporation
Exergen Corporation is recognized worldwide as an innovator and leading manufacturer of patented infrared thermometers, scanners, sensors and controls. The company holds more than 60 U.S. patents for non-invasive temperature measurement devices. Its products are used in a wide variety of industrial and medical applications for both professionals and consumers. For additional information, visit www.exergen.com.