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Rosica says #GiveANursesAHug!


Can you think of anything better to do than #GiveANurseAHug on the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday. As you probably know, Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing, and like most nurses, she was an amazing human being.

Rosica is working with allnurses.com, the largest nursing community on the planet, with more than one million members, to promote the #GiveANurseAHug campaign. It’s designed to help show love and gratitude to the nurses who touch our lives and those of others in our communities, simply by giving a virtual hug. The virtual or air hugs recognize the courageous work nurses do, too often now under life-threatening conditions.

Best, of all, it’s easy to do. Simply post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, a picture of you – along with your family and friends, if you like – giving a Virtual Hug. Please be sure that when share your virtual hug, you tag @allnurses and use the hashtag #GiveANurseAHug.

Rosica, a healthcare PR agency, is urging healthcare organizations, colleges and universities, corporations, associations, and individuals – anyone who cares about nurses – to spread the news and celebrate the nearly four million nurses working in the U.S. today. We have already partnered amazing organizations to embrace the virtual campaign, such as Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Montclair State University, Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), (201) Health Magazine, Home Care & Hospice Association of New Jersey, NADONA (National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration), and IACRN (International Association of Clinical Research Nurses).

In concert with these partners, allnurses.com, the Rosica PR agency team and our combined social media efforts, we ask that you join us by taking a photo (virtually) hugging a nurse and share it socially. Please be sure to tag @allnurses and use the hashtag #GiveANurseAHug. This will go far to show appreciation, admiration, support, and respect.

Here at Rosica Communications we are grateful for nurses and all healthcare professionals and hope that you’ll join us in saying “thanks.”