Driving Tips for Dummies: How to Avoid Getting Pulled Over This Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, more and more Americans will take to the road for family visits and vacations. Below are safety tips from traffic safety expert Matthew Weiss, Esq., founder of 888 RED LIGHT, based in New York City, that will help you get to your destination safely and avoid being pulled over by the police.

• Speed traps: Know where the speed traps are located – visit www.nytrafficticket.com.

• Drive in a group: When driving on a highway, stay within a grouping of other cars. It is easier for a police officer to isolate a sole vehicle than one within a group.

• Focus: Concentrate on your driving. Do not text message, check emails or engage in any other distracting behavior. Your IQ and response time diminishes dramatically the more you multi-task. Besides, a police officer may think you’ve been drinking if you swerve from not paying attention.

• Remain attentive: Keep scanning the road ahead for areas where another vehicle can cut in front of you or where a police vehicle could hide. Do not forget to check your rear view mirror for tailgating motorists and unmarked police cars.

• Traffic: You invariably will be caught up in a traffic. Take a deep breath and relax. Consider this part of the “cost” of travel. Getting aggravated does not help and can only lead to an accident.

• Vehicle condition: A vehicle with a broken head light presents a danger to you and other motorists (and also is an open invitation for police attention). Make sure your car is in proper working order before embarking on a trip.

• Police Stop: If you are stopped, be courteous. Abrasive behavior is a sure way to “earn” a traffic ticket. Also, do not volunteer too much information. When the officer asks you, “Do you know why I stopped you?” simply state, “No” or “No, but I am sorry to have troubled you.”

888 RED LIGHT defends thousands of motorists each year from traffic tickets issued throughout New York State. Matthew Weiss’s writings have appeared in the New York Law Journal. For more information on 888-RED-LIGHT visit www.nytrafficticket.com.

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