Boys and Girls Clubs in NJ Annouces Corporate Sponsor

In-kind Services Donated By Online Marketing Agency, Interact Marketing and PR Agency, Rosica Communications

 Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey announces the appointment of Interact Marketing as its online marketing agency-of-record. The national internet marketing firm, based in New Windsor, New York, will provide web hosting, website development, SEO, social media counsel, and assistance with grants for online advertising.

According to Susan Haspel, State Director of Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey, “We truly appreciate Interact Marketing for donating web hosting and other online marketing services to our nonprofit organization. Their website management goes far in strengthening Boys & Girls Clubs statewide. Their support aids our organization in fundraising efforts, increasing volunteerism, and helping families find the nearest after school programs their child can participate in.”

In addition, Rosica Communications in Fair Lawn, NJ is the public relations agency-of-record providing their pro bono services to the organization.  The agency helps with media relations, corporate communications and overall strategy. Rosica’s President Chris Rosica was recently reappointed to the organization’s Corporate Advisory Board, and serves with other business leaders who provide expertise to the Boys & Girls Club Movement in New Jersey.

About Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey is an alliance of 23 Boys & Girls Club organizations serving over 70,000 youth ages 5-18 throughout the Garden State. Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey is a collaborative effort representing all 23 Clubs with the purpose of building local Club capacity; raising public awareness; and securing resources and financial support to increase the impact and reach of local Clubs. Learn more at

About Interact Marketing

Interact Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency and Google Adwords partner with an in-house staff comprised of certified specialists in web design, programming, search optimization, social media, and marketing technologies. The agency utilizes a broad spectrum of online marketing tools and strategies to establish awareness, web traffic and conversion rates for its nearly 150 plus clients worldwide and works such industries as nonprofit, consumer products, professional services, direct response, healthcare and home improvement. Learn more by visiting

About Rosica Communications

Established in 1980, Rosica Communications specializes in content development, crisis communications, cause marketing, media relations, social media and online reputation management.  The firm’s national B2B and B2C clientele encompasses companies in such sectors as healthcare, technology, food, media, beauty, professional services and animal health/pet goods. The company’s differentiators include: Sales Smart PRsm, which repurposes media coverage to augment sales; content development and syndication to bolster SEO and online reputations; cultivation and media training of key opinion leaders and influencers; and the forms ability to integrate online and traditional PR and marketing activities. Learn more by visiting