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NSHSS Conducts Gen Z Career Interest Survey

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A survey recently conducted by The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) reveals workplace benefits Gen Z students care about most and where they’d prefer to work.

Each year, NSHSS distributes a survey asking high school and college students about their future plans and aspirations. This year, 14,000 students completed the survey.

NSHSS President James Lewis said, “This is a group of empowered young adults who intend to shape the problems and opportunities they face, not stand on the sidelines. They told us human rights is a primary concern, followed by healthcare and education. Gen Z will be bringing their social justice agenda to the workplace; they expect future employers to reflect their convictions, including having women and racially diverse individuals in leadership positions.”

Survey results show Gen Z places importance on social justice and ranks health insurance over pay and flexible work schedules. This generation is most interested in medical careers, skills development (rather than simply acquiring knowledge), being able to pay off student loans, and having a feeling of balance and belonging. Top employers Gen Z would like to work for include local and regional hospitals, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Mayo Clinic, Google, and Walt Disney Company.

Read more about this in-depth Gen Z workplace survey here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/352493