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President of Rosica Communications Releases Third Book, The Power of B2B Social Media

Chris Rosica, president of Rosica Communications, a national PR and digital marketing agency, has just launched his third book entitled The Power of B2B Social Media: The Marketing Strategy You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

While nearly all consumer brand marketers understand the importance of social media marketing, many organizations that sell to other businesses (B2B companies), and nonprofits, underutilize this powerful tool. In this succinct new marketing book, Rosica highlights the benefits of B2B social media, providing readers with insights their organizations may have overlooked. He also offers action steps that for-profits and nonprofits can take to advance their goals and objectives.

In his new book, Rosica states, “When it comes to B2B and nonprofit organizations, social media marketing is often overlooked and undervalued. There are organizations that do see the value, but all too often they consider social a luxury they cannot afford. Rare is the B2B enterprise or nonprofit that understands social media should be a priority – and why – and commits the time and energy to deploy a consistent, integrated social media program.”

In The Business of B2B Marketing, Rosica identifies the five primary roles of a strategic B2B social media program, which include:

  1. Protecting your reputation online
  2. Driving website traffic
  3. Giving content marketing its power source
  4. Increasing your reach through influencers
  5. Developing and maintaining thought leadership

The book, published by Noble Press, is available in paperback on Amazon for $12.99.

About The Author

Chris Rosica is a recognized public relations and marketing expert, speaker, and author. Rosica is the author of The Business of Cause Marketing: How Doing Good Means Doing Well and The Authentic Brand. His public relations firm, Rosica Communications, was rated by Forbes in 2021 as one of “America’s Best PR Agencies.”

About Rosica Communications

Established in 1980 as a national public relations and marketing firm, Rosica Communications specializes in the nonprofit, education, healthcare, animal health, and food sectors, building its clients’ share of voice and thought leadership. Focused on its client-partners’ strategic objectives, the agency’s services include integrated marketing communications, media relations, social media marketing, crisis communications, cause marketing, content development and marketing, and influencer marketing. For more information, please visit Rosica.com.