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Internal Coronavirus Communication Strategies

Given the new business reality, agency President Chris Rosica outlines 7 Essential Internal Communication Strategies for dealing with the coronavirus crisis.  

His seven internal comms. imperatives include: 

  1. Internal Communications First Communicate with your team frequently and proactively.  
  2. Lead With Candor  In times of crisis, as with COVID-19, leaders and managers must be forthcoming and foster an environment of open communication.  
  3. Embrace  &  Communicate a “Never Give Up” AttitudePerseverance is required to maintain team spirit. This spirit can make or break a company, institution, or nonprofit. Make “never give up” your mantra. 
  4. Encourage Innovation Now is the time to reward creativity and encourage managers and staff to create new business opportunities. Your top people will align with this call to action.  
  5. Now’s the Time To Bolster Technology – The new work-from-home ecosystem warrants organizations do all they can to ensure connectivity and productivity. 
  6. Avoid Micromanaging, But Be Sure To Manage  Have managers connect with employees daily or even multiple times each day. Understand their challenges, where they need training and support, and how you can best support the team. 
  7. Adjust Internal Comms as RequiredTweak internal communications to ensure you remain relevant, supportive, and of optimal service to your customers.  

Not only do these practices help your staffbut maximize your chances of success.  

To read the entire article on O’Dwyer’s, please visit 7 Essential Internal Coronavirus Communications Practices.