
Rolling Out an Anniversary Celebration for Rollerblade by Promoting Fitness
Rollerblade: Fighting Childhood Obesity While Revitalizing an Iconic Brand
Rosica’s work for Rollerblade included a celebration of the company’s 25th anniversary by sponsoring a campaign to promote fitness among young people while raising awareness about the dangers of childhood obesity. Rollerblade launched and Camp Rollerblade™ education programs in cities throughout the country to teach people how to skate and about the tremendous health benefits of the low-impact aerobic sport. Both programs were enthusiastically received by the public and the media and encouraged significant numbers of people to take up in-line skating, which led to impressive sales growth for Rollerblade. Rosica also rolled out new skate models for the company and generated substantial publicity about them in national fitness and consumer general interest magazines, major daily newspapers as well as television shows.
“Rosica’s experience in cause-related marketing provided us with valuable insight into this strategic PR practice. This helped us significantly with our Skate in School program, which is focused on fighting childhood obesity.”
-Nicholas Skally, Marketing and Public Relations Manager, Rollerblade