Hanan Products

Hanan Products
Hanan Products: Literally Puts the Icing on the Cake…250 Million of Them For 75 years, Hanan Products, a third-generation family company, has been creating premium whipped toppings, icings, and fillings for bakeries, restaurants, supermarkets, and food distributors around the world. Stuart Hanan started the company in a small factory in Brooklyn, hitchhiking back and forth […]
Hanan Products: Literally Puts the Icing on the Cake…250 Million of Them
For 75 years, Hanan Products, a third-generation family company, has been creating premium whipped toppings, icings, and fillings for bakeries, restaurants, supermarkets, and food distributors around the world. Stuart Hanan started the company in a small factory in Brooklyn, hitchhiking back and forth to Michigan to get his college degree in research chemistry. He sold his products door-to-door and the company quietly grew to become an industry leader. In recent years, Hanan’s grandsons stepped in, modernizing production, investing in new machinery – and engaging Rosica to drive added growth.
The impetus was Hanan’s entry into the whole foods and natural products sector. Rosica’s strategy was to combine the company’s family business story with its introduction of all natural, dairy-based and vegan whipped toppings. Rosica opened doors to media unfamiliar with the company and secured coverage in leading trade publications representing all segments of the industry. Rosica also initiated a thought leadership campaign, establishing Stuart Hanan’s grandsons as industry thought leaders, with coverage in their Long Island daily newspaper and on nationally syndicated radio.