Cause Marketing

Doing Good (Really) Means Doing Well

Cause marketing, or cause-related marketing, is a public relations strategy that forges an alliance between a for-profit corporation and a non-profit organization (or “cause”) for mutual benefit. Simply stated, cause-related marketing is a strategy by which doing good means doing well.

The Rosica agency pioneered cause-related marketing, creating partnerships between its clients and relevant causes beginning in 1980. Many of those campaigns transformed our clients into well-known brands, and the causes they supported reaped the rewards due to increased awareness and funding.

The Power of Doing Good

In 2012, agency President Chris Rosica’s second book was published, The Business of Cause Marketing (Noble Press). In this step-by-step guide, Chris makes the cause marketing case and outlines smart strategies for selecting and collaborating with ideal charity partners. One recent study shows that nearly 80 percent of people are more likely to buy from a company that supports a non-profit organization. Cause marketing, when done right, benefits both the non-profit and the for-profit, corporate partner. For the non-profit, cause marketing can mean increased fundraising, expanded volunteerism, brand awareness, public and political support, advocacy and more. Corporations can see an increase in sales, heightened brand awareness, the ability to stave off or prevent a crisis, stronger customer and employee loyalty, and a fortified image.

Strategic cause marketing creates a story that can serve as the basis of a successful media relations or public relations campaign, told through both traditional, social media and other online PR outlets. When executed correctly, the campaign’s story evolves and keeps the campaign alive, fostering improved internal and external communications, boosting the company’s reputation and strengthening their position or standing in the community.

"The creative and successful media event you executed to promote fibromyalgia awareness not only reached legislators but delivered our message to the general public through the mass media you secured."

Karen Boykin-Towns,
Senior Director / Team Leader, Government Relations, Pfizer Inc.

"Chris Rosica led two public speaking and media training sessions with 17 of Covanta’s managers from plants throughout the New York/New Jersey region. One manager from our Niagara facility conducted an interview two weeks after the training and aced it. We credit this to Rosica."

Hank Asher,
Business Manager, Covanta Essex Company

"I received the email campaign that captures all of the wonderful coverage the Rosica team generated for Johnson & Johnson’s FIRST Robotics Competition. This was sent to all our partners and generated a significant response. WOW! Awesome!"

Donald H. Bowers,
Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic FIRST, Johnson & Johnson

“A long-time provider of digital marketing services, Rosica knows the digital space and how to leverage PR coverage to accelerate ROI. It’s rare that a PR firm possesses the online marketing chops this agency does – and it’s no wonder; they started a digital agency more than 15 years ago! Rosica brings a unique perspective and is truly focused on adding value and maximizing deliverables.”

Ronald Chaluisán Batlle,
MEd, MA, Executive Director, Newark Trust for Education

“Through Rosica’s counsel and SalesSmart PR strategy, we leveraged a TV interview the agency secured for us on Bloomberg Television and landed a new multi-year, multi-million-dollar relationship that spanned 15 years. This was perhaps the best ROI I’ve gotten from PR, or any other agency partner we’ve hired. A smart PR and marketing team is an understatement!”

Mike Ferranti,
CEO, Endai

“Rosica PR delivered tremendous media results and helped boost sales by more than one million dollars in the first year of our campaign”

Maureen Wales,
VP Marketing Pearson Learning

“When disaster hit in the middle of the night, the Rosica team responded. Within 24 hours, they secured media attention that raised $30,000. They had a direct impact on our ability to serve the community, and that’s a true partnership.”

Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Fernandez,
Former Divisional Commander, The Salvation Army Greater New York Division

"Rosica has helped bring awareness to adult illiteracy like no other organization in the nation. They are the authority on education, cause marketing and community relations.”

Pat Johnston,
National Chair, Literacy Volunteers of America

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